Friday, October 29, 2010

Outstanding Nonprofit of the Year for 2011

The National Adoption Center was just named the Outstanding Nonprofit of the Year for 2011 by the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.  When I heard about the award, my mind shot back 38 years when the Adoption Center was just a dream.  We didn’t know then whether anyone would want to adopt a child with Down syndrome or cystic fibrosis or a family of four brothers who needed a home together. Happily, the dream became a reality and we have helped create families for more than 22,000 children in the country. Not one was a healthy baby. We’ve come a long way—from a wooden recipe box on someone’s kitchen table with sections for children, for potential families and for “matches”-- to the technology- based processes we now have to bring children and families together… and give them the personal service that can usher them through their adoption journey.  Our experience tells us that our vision and imagination must continue to propel us, that we must pursue our mission to demonstrate that “there are no unwanted children…just unfound parents.”  We count on everyone interested in the welfare of children to help us make a difference in the lives of the children who count on us.    

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