Monday, February 8, 2010

Wednesday’s Child Success Story

Alaina, Isaiah and Jonathan

An adoption success! As the Wednesday’s Child Coordinator, it is great to see positive results. When I was told a sibling group of three needed to be featured on Wednesday’s Child in 2006, I naturally thought- "Oh boy, this is going to be a tough one." Three! What a number. To place one child is hard enough. With the help of Wednesday’s Child and many other forms of recruitment, the Thomas family decided they would inquire about the siblings. After all, Mrs. Thomas, after raising four children knew she still had more mothering left inside. She and her husband decided to start the adoption process.

In 2006 the sibling group was in desperate need of a home. They were featured on Wednesday’s Child and several families inquired. The Thomas’ homestudy was reviewed and the family became a match from there. The Thomas family grew from four children to seven children in just a few months.

The Thomas family feels they are very blessed with the new additions to their home. Alaina, Isaiah and Jonathan are very happy to be in a loving home where they know they are accepted. They now enjoy activities such as biking, hiking and playing video games in the family room.

If you have ever thought about adoption but needed a good story to motivate you to make the call, here is one. We need more Thomas families. The children need more Thomas families. People that still have parenting left inside of them or those who wish to become parents for the first time. We need people to open their hearts, doors and commitment level and adopt a waiting child.

February 08, 2010

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